Minggu, 07 Agustus 2016

[Pokemon BOT] NecroBot v0.7.0 Release !

[Pokemon BOT] NecroBot v0.7.0 Release !

[Pokemon BOT] NecroBot v0.7.0 Release ! - NecroBot is working once more, thanks to guys at PGD and especially Kevin. Release after proper QA testing and code cleanup.

Huge shout out to everyone who was involved at PokemonGoDev, without you this release would simply not be possible.

We would also like to personally thank Kevin for his assistance in bringing the necessary changes into NecroBot. Remember, this is a bot For The Community, By The Community, and will always remain Free Open Source Software.

Commit log from 'v0.6.4' to 'v0.7.0' (most recent changes are listed on top):
12a744d Updating progress bars
8a575ec Merge
645a778 Added progress bar loader
075d0d9 update POGOProtos
0b9c6a2 websockets are now false by default
5815992 Update README.md
51919dd Update README.md
2f1825d Update README.md
3137ea2 update submodule
c10661c Merge pull request #2727 from simplyphp/master
2cc5632 Updating git url
a748e2f Merge pull request #75 from NECROBOTIO/master
802448a Merge pull request #2726 from simplyphp/master
201bc01 Removed POGOProtos.sln
c99413c Updating .net to 4.5.2
5e6bb59 Merge pull request #2725 from prokopsimek/patch-1
5b9a220 Merge pull request #2724 from simplyphp/master
e2cb5a3 Create translation.cs.json
9a996b8 Automatc merge
f3f1bda Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/simplyphp/NecroBot
8d02f75 Moving POGOProtos
6124e80 Merge pull request #74 from NECROBOTIO/master
ab08e54 Merge pull request #2721 from Oolaruu/master
b696d12 Moving POGOProtos
46faf3d added new Logic - shouldn't get softban when HumanWalking is false
acf2c6a Merge pull request #2722 from jordyvandomselaar/master
798f0ac added CatchPokemon Setting
b909879 Fix Dutch translations"
42a0605 Merge pull request #2719 from somani6/master
eda05b8 Merge pull request #2720 from karoi/patch-2
44257fe typo
bcfb919 Added "PokemonString" + "PokemonMovesetStrings" language support "PokemonStrings" + "PokemonMovesetStrings" = da, et, gr, hu, id, it, lt, nl, no, pt-br, pt-pt, ru_RU, sv, th, tr, uk_UA, ro, ca "PokemonMovesetStrings" = de, es, pl, zh_CN, vi
83a6367 Update translation.nl.json
9f86514 updated translation.de.json
2891321 Merge pull request #2718 from RetroRipper/patch-2
42e7574 update API to support Proxy
6504d12 add Proxy Support
d038b68 Update Translation NL
781d1dd Merge pull request #2715 from karoi/patch-1
078a509 Merge pull request #2717 from simplyphp/master
14dda15 Fixing incorrect setup.md suggestion on settings

How to Use :
1. Extrak File
2. Run NecroBot.exe
3. Input Latitude & longtitude
4. Please wait until configuration succes
5. Out CMD
6. For Editing :
Max Cp dll in Config > Config.json 

7. and click run again NecroBot.exe
8. Happy Farming

Cara Pemakaian :
1. Download Filenya Botnya yang Versi 0.7.0 (New Release)
2. Ekstrak
3. Run File NecroBot.exe
4. Nanti disuruh masukin info akun dan Latitude ama longtitude
5. Kalo configuration selesai brarti bisa
6. Keluar Dari CMD
7. Kalo mau edit2 misal : max cp untuk transfer brp, itu ada di Config > config.json
8. kalo udh tinggal Run Lagi NecroBot.exe nya
9. Dan Happy Farming 


*Note : U can language 

========== Update ==========
NecroBot With PokeSniper

1. Download file 
1. Extrak
2. edit file user.xml (<AuthType>Ptc/Google</AuthType>
<PtcPassword>PtcPass lu</PtcPassword>
<PtcUsername>PtcUname Lu</PtcUsername>
<GoogleUsername>GoogleUname Lu</GoogleUsername>
<GooglePassword>pw</GooglePassword>) utuk <authtype>
  use google / ptc

4. Save
5. Run PokeSniper2.exe
6. Click "Y"
7. Review your account, if valid, click enter
8. Find Pokemon +Ltitude&Longtitude
9. Or run autosniper.bat

Tutor ( Indon )
1. Download file
2. Extrak
3. edit file user.xml (<AuthType>Ptc/Google</AuthType>
<PtcPassword>PtcPass lu</PtcPassword>
<PtcUsername>PtcUname Lu</PtcUsername>
<GoogleUsername>GoogleUname Lu</GoogleUsername>
<GooglePassword>pw</GooglePassword>) utuk <authtype> pilih make google atau ptc
4. save
5. Run PokeSniper2.exe
6. Jika udah suruh klik Y/N klik Y
7. Nanti kan ada format akun ente,,ente liat dlu dah,,kalo bnr pencet enter
8. Dah cari dah Pokemon +Ltitude&Longtitude
9. atau cara gampangnya run file autosniper.bat 

[Pokemon BOT] Pokefarmer v1.0.82 Patched | API Updated

[Pokemon BOT] Pokefarmer v1.0.82 Patched | API Updated - After a few days ago Niantic to update and cause all bots are not able to walk. However, this time I will share a new bot I guarantee work. In this PokeFarmer you can determine your location in the maps that have been provided in this software. The existing features of this bot among auto transfer, loot pokestops, catch pokemon, and auto recycle. In the Bot PokeFarmer Full Crack also contained unbanner software, so you can be free of softban!

Set farm location in 1 click
Pokestops farm
Pokemons catch
Items farm
Breeds Eggs
Transfer Pokemons
Speed settings (walk\run\bike\car)
Break settings
View stats of account

To use:
Select Google or PTC auth
Put Auth key
Go to the place where you live (or where you want to live )
Left click on this place
It will be start location
Click on "Start bot" and put license Key

Setting Cordiante:

Changelog :
Fixed: "Walking through Pokestops."
New feature: Show EXP/H in UI
New feature: Show Stardust/H in UI
New feature: Show what's going on in the new status panel at the bottom of the UI.
New feature: Recycle Items if Inventory is full and keep a user configurable amount.


Some Problems 
I'm getting an error involving a missing .dll file
Firstly, this only works on OS Windows 7 and higher. 
Make sure you're running the patched exe. Assuming you are and still get the error, delete your current folder and re-download. If that doesn't fix it, wait until another patch comes out where it does.

It says that no items were received from the Pokestop but keeps spinning it.
You are soft banned. Wait until it's done and you'll be un-soft banned (45-50 spins).

It says idle in the bottom left.
Nothing is near you. Go to a more populated location (Central Park, New York; Tokyo).

Session expired: relogging won't stop repeating.
Just restart the application. This happens every so often for no known reason.

Could not connect to server.
Restart the application and check your credentials.

The auth key isn't correct.
In the off chance that you somehow changed it, it's located in the settings and should be cookies.

Fix ? 

Download Visual C++ Redistributable (x86) 
Download Visual C++ Redistributable (x64)

If Failed Login : 

Change Ptc/Google

{  "AuthType": "Ptc/Google",  "GoogleUsername": "emailmugmail.com",  "GooglePassword": "pwmu",  "PtcUsername": "usernamemu",  "PtcPassword": "pwmu",  "UseProxy": false,  "UseProxyHost": null,  "UseProxyPort": null,  "UseProxyAuthentication": false,  "UseProxyUsername": null,  "UseProxyPassword": null}

*Note : Dont Updated New Version

Key : Here

Jumat, 05 Agustus 2016

[ Snipe Pokemon Manual, NO BOT ] Avoid softban while "sniping" Pokemons with Nox App

 [ Snipe Pokemon Manual, NO BOT ] Avoid softban while "sniping" Pokemons with Nox App - All were caused by an API key from Pokemon Go is being replaced. For the next few days until the future may yet there are bots that work. Well, for this we anticipate will provide a tutorial how snipe pokemon with manual and certainly will not hit softban. This tutorial is devoted to you who use android emulator either NOX / MEMU can change gps

New detailed instruction  . I use the central park in NY for this example

If you snipe pokemon with sites like pokevision.com you can avoid the soft-ban after the GPS teleport.

1. Save your current GPS location, f.e. 40.764999, -73.973163 (Central Park, NY)
2. Press Ctrl + 3 and enter the location of the pokemon you want to catch, confirm with Ok , dont close the GPS window
3. Wait until the Pokemon spawns, click on the pokemon, wait for the catch screen and do nothing
4. go back to the GPS window and enter the first GPS location 40.764999, -73.973163, confirm with ok
5. catch the pokemon without a softban
6. repeat

Detailed :
1. Open Nox App Player -> Click on the GPS symbol on the right side

2. Select a location of your choice using google maps -> right click on the map "What is here?" -> Copy and Paste this location in a text/word-file (we need that later)

3. Insert this GPS location in the Nox App Player -> Press on "Geocode" , then the "OK" in the right bottom corner

4. Find pokemon cordinat here,.
  1. https://pokezz.com/
  2. http://www.pokespawns.be/
  3. http://pokesniper.boosting-service.de/

5. Now start Pokemon Go in the Nox App Player. You will spawn at the first location (Central Park)

6. Now go back to the Nox App Player GPS overview (CTRL+3 or the symbol from the first picture). Insert the GPS data from pokevision f.e. -> press geocode and dont forget to press "OK" afterwards 

7. Now you will get teleported to your location. Wait until you see the pokemon. DONT USE POKESTOPS! Click on the pokemon and wait until the "catch" screen appears.
DONT click on anything in this screen.

8.Now go back to the Nox App Player GPS overview (CTRL+3 or the symbol from the first picture). Insert the OLD GPS data (40.764933, -73.973167) -> press geocode and dont forget to press "OK" afterwards 
Always check if it turns blue after you click "OK"

9. After you catched the pokemon you will spawn at the start location without a softban (check the Pokestops)

 See Too :
[Bot PokemonGO] Download PokeCrot | New Update | Auto Bot Farmign Level UP Pokemon
Download PokeGOBot GreenGold Edition
Catch MEWTWO in PokemonGo using FakeGPS and PokemonGoVPN
Download PokeBuddy - A Pokemon Go Bot
[ GO BOT ] Bot Pokemon Go for Android APK

Kamis, 04 Agustus 2016

Pokemon Go Best Locations

Pokemon Go Top Locations

Pokemon Go Best Locations - Heey i want show you Best Location in Pokemon Go


17 Keefer St
5642 Orange Ave
3000 W Edinger Ave
538 San Remo Dr
1905 Nevada Ave
850 N Mojave Rd
1Pacific Hwy
15702 East Pecos Road
Jogging Trail
Clarendon Hills Rd
Riverside Park
Høje Gladsaxe

More Again


Rabu, 03 Agustus 2016

[ GO BOT ] Bot Pokemon Go for Android APK

[ GO BOT ] Bot Pokemon Go for Android APK - 

- Autowalk [ through predefined routes or random walking arround point you set on map ]
- Catching pokemons [ You can choose if u want to use razz-berry on pokemons with cp higher then ur value ]
- Looting pokestops
- Transfering pokemons [ You choose whats max CP to evolve. Bot will always keep the strongest of a kind ]
- Auto Catch Pokemon 
- Auto Loot Pokestop 
- 4 Speed Options 
- Clean Potions & Revives 
- Evolving pokemons [ You choose min CP to evolve ]
- Hatch eggs
- Auto Transfer Pokemon
- Auto Evolve Pokemon 
- Hatch Eggs
- 4 speed options [ Slow, Medium, High, Super fast ]
- Clean potions and revives ( to make space for pokeballs )

Bot settings documentation: 
- Use predefined routes - This means bot will walk via predefined route you choose. Currently there are 7 avalible predefined routes but I'm working on feature that will allow you to manually create route.
- Route - If u choose option 'Use predefined routes' u must select a route to use otherwise bot will crash.
- Speed - this is actually bot speed, how fast bot you want. Take care because too fast might be suspicios
- Transfer pokemons - This is used to tell bot to transfer pokemons. Also u need to say bot maximum CP of pokemons to transfer. Bot will always keep strongest of a kind.
- Evolve pokemons - This is used to tell a bot to evolve pokemons. U must choose minimum CP of pokemon to evolve.
- Hatch eggs - Pretty self descriptive
- Clean potion and revives - If selected, bot will periodicly remove all potions and revives.
- Use raspberies to catch pokemon - Self descriptive :) U can choose min CP of pokemon to use razz berry on. Default is 500

Working on:
Manually create own route
Pokemon catch/transfer/evaluate filter

How to use:
- Install APK
- Open settings tab and set up loggin info.
- Open bot settings and set them up !

TIP: If you do not use routes, just place marker on map for your start location and press start

See ~
[Bot PokemonGO] Download PokeCrot | New Update | Auto Bot Farmign Level UP Pokemon
Download PokeGOBot GreenGold Edition
Catch MEWTWO in PokemonGo using FakeGPS and PokemonGoVPN
Download PokeBuddy - A Pokemon Go Bot

When u setted your settings, go back to main activity and press start :) Happy botcatching pokemons :D

Download =>>