Rabu, 20 Juli 2016

Android Developer Story: StoryToys finds success in the ‘Family’ section on Google Play

Posted by Lily Sheringham, Google Play team

Based in Dublin, Ireland, href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=8762313232916265908">StoryToys
is a leading publisher of interactive books and games for children. Like most
kids’ app developers, they faced the challenges of engaging with the right
audiences to get their content discovered. Since the launch of the Family
section on Google Play, StoryToys has experienced an uplift of 270% in revenue
and an increase of 1300% in downloads.

Hear Emmet O’Neill, Chief Product Officer, and Gavin Barrett, Commercial
Director, discuss how the Family section creates a trusted and creative space
for families to find new content. Also hear how beta testing, localized pricing
and more, has allowed StoryToy’s flagship app, href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.storytoys.myveryhungrycaterpillar.free.android.googleplay">My
Very Hungry Caterpillar, to significantly increase engagement and revenue.

more about Google Play for Families and href="http://g.co/play/playbook-androiddevblogposts-evergreen">get the Playbook
for Developers app to stay up-to-date with more features and best practices
that will help you grow a successful business on Google Play.

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