Rabu, 27 Juli 2016

Download PokeGOBot GreenGold Edition

Hello, today i share PokeGOBot. PokemonGOBot was created by Radat and this tool edited by GreenGold.
How to use:
1. Unzip file
2. Enter folder where you unziped it and run PokeBotGo.exe (has pokego icon)
3. Enter all data application is asking from you
4. Enjoy
Little FAQ:
Q: What's soft-ban?
A: Soft-ban is a ban from 3 to 24 hours, if you can't use pokestops you have soft-ban.
Q:What's perm-ban?
A:If you are permanently banned you can't use your account permanently (tip: use it on other account not your main!)
NOTE: Use at own risk you can be banned! (Soft-ban or perm-ban)

Best Location To Find Pokemon Go 

Düsseldorf Girardetbrücke
Berlin Old Town Spandau : 52,53702300 , 13,20301100
Aachen : 50.776309, 6.083505 (4Stops)
Hamburg : 53.5588061, 10.057689399999958 (4 Stops)
Dortmund : 51.552381, 7.309696
Koblenz : 50.363425, 7.605247
Düsseldorf Schloss Benrath : 51.161206, 6.870546 (Magmar)
Essen Steele : 51.448197, 7.075814
Serengeti Park (Hodenhagen) : 52.751040, 9.617021 (Kicklee)
Duisburg : 51.432737, 6.769041 (Bisasam, Shiggy, sogar 1x Turtok)

Sydney, Australia : -33.859048, 151.213182
Lilydale, Melbourne : -37.7651298, 145.3509665 (Dratini)
Brimbank Park, Melbourne : -37.727411806375,144.83374804258 (Kangama)

Boston, MA : 42.343636, -71.08485
1010 Valley Street, Seattle, WA 98109, USA
New York Central Park : 40.764871, -73.972722
Myrtle Beach : 33.714451, -78.877194
Long Beach : 33.760757, -118.19507
1313 Disneyland Dr Anaheim, CA 92802
Long Beach, Cali : 33.761059 -118.196184
Seattle WA : 47.626680, -122.335884 (sollten Dratinis kommen)
Memorial Pkwy Minneapolis, MN : 45.030221 -93.319307 (Taubsi, Evoli, Zubat etc.)
Austin Texas : 30.264215,-97.754544 (Viele Glumandas)
Hermann Park Houston, Texas : 29.715695,-95.391055 (Ponitas)
Sun Diego, Cali : 32.712615129552525,-117.1588683128357 (Fukanos)

Bezembrug 157
Den Helder : 52.936191, 4.726726 (Pantimos)

Solihul Brueton park : 52.406730, -1.765572

Piazza Sempione, Milano, Italien : 45.47210, 9.17722 (Sehr viele Glumandas)

Shinjuku Gyoen National Park, Tokyo, Japan : 35.684895044528794, 139.70996975898743 (Pikachus)

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